Today, the USA will announce the next President. Regardless of your vote or views on candidates, take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, and think about incorporating some beneficial principles from neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
You may or may not agree with or control who's been elected, however what you can control is how you react. This principle applies to all aspects of life. While there are elements we can manage and others we cannot, our response to any given situation remains within our power. It may be tempting to focus on the negatives, but instead, consider asking yourself, 'What are some positive aspects of this scenario?' For example, having the opportunity and freedom to vote is a positive that many individuals and nations worldwide do not enjoy.
It's better to be at 'cause' than at the 'effect' of events in your life. It's a lot easier to 'blame' others for situations we don't like or that we think appear are or harmed (e.g. your parents for childhood trauma, an ex, an employer or manager). When you're at 'cause' you get results, when you're at 'effect', there's always a reason why something didn't go your way. When you're at 'cause', you are empowered, you influence and take Response-Ability for what happens in your life and how you respond to events. For instance, there was a time when I came out of a very toxic relationship. It would have been easy to play the blame game. Instead, I felt that no matter how I ended where I was, regardless of my partners very bad behavior, I was responsible for all the choices I made in my life that lead me there. I asked myself, 'what do I need to change within me?'. Imagine what kind of person I would be today if I remained bitter and passed on all the blame. Click here to learn more about cause/effect.
In NLP, we believe that there are no failures, only opportunities for learning. Therefore, what insights can you gain about yourself, the emotions you are feeling, and your responses to the situation? Regardless of the decisions you make or the circumstances you face, there is always a lesson to be learned.
So, take a deep breath now, leave the election results behind you, and move forward with your continued growth.