As a Certified Change Management Professional™, one foundational standard we incorporate into our practice is to celebrate key milestones. Well, this week is a week to celebrate two milestones that converged over that past two weeks.
Live Your Yellow Brick Road is now live
For those of you that have been following my journey over the past three years, you'll have witnessed significant transformational changes in every aspect of my life. Live Your Yellow Brick Road was originally created to enable you to follow my travels, transformations, and story along the way. Now, as I transition to my next chapter in life, so does Live Your Yellow Brick Road.
Last week, I officially relaunched Live Your Yellow Brick Road from a 'blog' to my professional website. As a new starting point, you will naturally see more changes as it develops over time.
You'll notice you can still find all the blog articles, old and new, and with the conversion from one web platform to another, changes in formatting and any links will be updated over time.
Let me tell you, this process of web-design was not easy and was very painful at times. One would think it easy to find a web developer as there are so many. It took me six months to find the right partner to bring this creation to life!
By now you know how I feel about the universe bringing things together; the pain was certainly worth the result in the end.
Jeremiah Hubbard and his wife Charity, were a perfect fit for bringing my vision to life and brought the right combination of technical, creative and commercial skills. I absolutely love the creation and the people they are. So thank you Jeremiah & Charity!
Another foundation of Change Management is obtaining feedback in order to continually improve. So, I welcome any and all feedback on my new site which you can send via the contact page.
If you've read my recent posts, you'll certainly know I've been writing a book, and over the past two to three weeks this project has been nearing a publishing reality!
I finalized the design cover, the interior formatting for the print and eBook version, and placed an order for the print version!
Many of you have asked when it will be available for sale, and my answer is very SOON! I will be posting updates on my website, blog, and social media pages @LiveYourYBR.
My plan is to offer a special price, for a limited time, to all of you that have been with me along this journey, so stay tuned!
If your family, friends and colleagues are interested, make sure they signup now on the webpage, or to receive any special launch offers.
Thank you all and with much gratitude,
#author #goodreads #newbookrelease #nonfiction #book #natural #complementary #alternative #healing #liveyourybr #liveyouryellowbrickroad #asianbioenergetictherapy #ABET