Why Change is So Hard - Part 2
Change is no longer the exception, it's the rule, it's the norm, it's constant & occurs rapidly,so why do we struggle with change? Part 2
Live Your Yellow Brick Road is about YOU, living your life to the fullest.
- Joanne Klepal
Why Change is So Hard - Part 2
Why Change is So Hard - Part 1
Transform Yourself, Transform Your Life: A Personal Transformation Story
My Book Journey, Part 1
A brief introduction to Incantations
…and the Breakthroughs continue!
It’s time for a BREAKTHROUGH!
You Ask…Why ‘Live Your Yellow Brick Road’?
Oil, Dirt & Curves
My Relationship with Reiki
A Journey with ABET
Cold Drinks and Your Health
May I Please Have Some More Silence ?
Meet My Future Self
A Spiritual Journey in Abadiânia
You’re Never Too Old…
Did I hear you say…10 Nights of SILENCE ?!
I’ve always dreamt of…
Change From Within
About Me